A little background music... please click the play button and continue...
For those of you ... me included... experiencing stay-in-doors weather... I thought I would bring you to an amazing indoor garden... the NYC apartment of a woman named Bronte...

Her garden extends outdoors to a rooftop garden...I thought with such dreary weather Bronte could use a dress like this to brighten her day while gardening... watering... of course she has practical garden boots...
Such a lovely greenhouse... perfect for dining...
Won't you join me... a little red wine... mixed field greens with warm fried goat cheese and a lovely champagne vinaigrette... crusty French baguette... along with an apple tartlette for dessert...
Stay as long as you like enjoying the gardens... the wine (yes... I have a few bottles)... and the sounds of Enya (from the movie soundtrack)... BUT... you must promise to pop over and visit Beverly of How Sweet the Sound to see what all the PINK girls are up to on this PINK Saturday!
Paintings in this post are for sale... and they are also available as prints and frameable notecards.
Don't Forget to come shop at "Fifiby's Art Auction" on Tuesday... Flower themed artwork will be up for auction... grab your number paddles... I've got my gavel!